JA 2024 PHY + solved
In this when we conserve angular momentum of bigger disc, why don't we add mr^2 (due to small disc) while writing moment of inertia of big disc, as the small disc is attached to the big disc
(+solved @Aviationforce )

29 Replies
@Gyro Gearloose
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the disc is attached on a motor shaft which is massless
motor shaft is attached to circumfrence
small disc is not attached to bigger disc
nvm bro i understood
so why do we need to apply the mr^2>
it is
read ques
your in 11th?
lemme check
come dms ill explain its a simple msitake
i also did it
the motor is fixed to the disk bro
its given in the question
yes agreed
however i know why we dont add mr^2
but why do we need to add mr^2to the disc?
yeah i made a blunder
cause about the central axis the system is rotating with some omega
so about that axis i can write the angular momenta individually
for each body
if i am unclear then leave this doubt i asked something stupid
nothing is stupid man
genuine only
it odnt matter how others think
thank you though
for acknowledging
the doubt
isme kya thank you
btw you solved?
the problem?
yeah yeah
just conserve angular momenta
cause all torque is internal
we good?
yes sir
Mark as (+solved @rxtio ) ping the people whoh helped you solve it.
@coolguy put a message in thread with adding +solved and tagging people who solved
got it
+solved @Aviationforce
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