kate editor doesn't work from command line for my user only
Works fine on a new user. Also works on my user from Applications Menu or KRunner, just not command line.
2 Replies
Tried using a clean shell with
env -i bash --noprofile --norc
and it did not solve the issue
Realized it launched with the Application menu. Saw that the application menu's launch command was kate -b $U
and decided to give it a try:
Progress: This has something to do with my terminal (flatpak'ed Konsole) Doesn't happen in PtyxisSeems to be related to this upstream QT bug:
No real fixes other than not using terminals in flatpak (Black Box had the same problem). Not really completed but I'll get over it since it's irrelevant as far as Bazzite goes.
flatpak failed to launch · Issue #150 · mkiol/dsnote
Downloaded the flatpak via the software manager. Pressed Launch. Nothing. PRETTY_NAME="LMDE 6 (faye)" NAME="LMDE" VERSION_ID="6" VERSION="6 (faye)" VERSION_C...