How do get a double rank up?

Ive been carrying me team alot lately, and have a good winstreak, but still i did not get a double rank up? What do i do to deserve it?
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33 Replies
Geniuxโ€ข3w ago
i dont think you will double uprank anytime soon just looking at +19, +20 match mvp
But why not tho? Not my fault that the game keeps giving me this low rr And also dont tell me that its bc of my mmr ive been playing good consistenly for a long time now If that is the case, this game needs a BIG mmr change So now my question is What to do to get a double rank up?
Geniuxโ€ข3w ago
very high mmr + consistently great performance youre missing the mmr part
Then why does the game give me low mmr They can see im so much betteer that doesnt make any sense What do i do to get a good mmr? play any more bad?
Geniuxโ€ข3w ago
play more while doing very good :hmm:
bro?? that isnt good enough?? U want me to win with 50-60 kills?
Geniuxโ€ข3w ago
:shrug: more games like that, not more kills althoough more kills probably wouldnt hurt :Hehe:
Geniuxโ€ข3w ago
idk :shrug:
why did this game even decide to give me a low mmr i have not played that bad in history anyway we will see also
How do i get better teammates? I can send u ALOT more screenshots like this i keep getting teammates going negative 80% of my teammates and somehow the game expect me to rank up with these teammates? @[chatbot] ๐Ÿ’ฅ GenZ โ›ง
Geniuxโ€ข3w ago
mmr again? So 1 question what if i won without top frag would i get like 5 rr FOR A WIN?? The game does NOT care about smurfing they actualy let people smurf js like me thats insane The only excuse is MMR The mmr is js bugged it needs a fix
1 bad game -26 RR??? 1 good game +12 rr... that does not make any sense does it?
Metamorphosisโ€ข3w ago
You got 1 draw before that match and lost 3 in a row before that :susdge:
yea i needed to draw bc of my team 3 games before i played with someone else that was a higher rank
Metamorphosisโ€ข3w ago
Plat player
Metamorphosisโ€ข3w ago
Isnโ€™t that what youโ€™re aiming for
Metamorphosisโ€ข3w ago
wdym high mmr, they did worse than you
Yea it was higher mmr, and i played good so i deserve better mmr dont i?
Metamorphosisโ€ข3w ago
If the game thinks you deserve to be in a lower rank based on performance, you lose more rr
brndโ€ข3w ago
mmr doesnt mean you double rank up i double ranked up a couple times
brndโ€ข3w ago
i used to come back into the game after months of doing horribly and carrying my team if youre doing it consistently dont expect a double rankj up
Metamorphosisโ€ข3w ago
It needs to be consistent
it was 8 games straight Then i decided to play with someone with higher mmr

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