Issue with Moonlight and Controllers on Legion Go

I'm trying to stream steam big picture mode to my legion go via moonlight. If I enable steam input on moonlight, while I have the stream open, everything seems to be working well enough. Then when I go to exit moonlight and end the session, the controller mappings get messed up on the legion go. None of the HHD shortcuts work anymore, and I end up with a single controller in steam named "Legion-Controller 1-23". The only way i can get things to work again is completely shutting down the legion go, and starting it back up. Then the normal "handheld daemon controller" shows back up in steam and all controls work as expected. I've also tried using moonlight with steam input disabled, and i have the same exact issue, except the controls on the legion go are unable to control steam big picture at all on the remote stream. Curious if anyone has any ideas on what might be causing this issue. I've tried using xbox and dual sense so far for the controller emulation and with the same results.
5 Replies
HikariKnight3w ago
we found this out recently and i suspect the physical buttons "LB+LegionL+LegionR+RB" is some kind of weird firmware button combination that is undocumented, we dont know exactly what it does. only way to get around it is to just press the guide button and exit moonlight and then start moonlight and stop the stream from there. or not use the swap legion buttons with start/select @antheas just pinging you for visibility
Mad Shade
Mad ShadeOP3w ago
That definitely appears to be the case. I can replicate it by pushing that key combo in game mode and then verifying i see multiple controllers connected. Looks like the other option is to disable the "Swap Legion with Menu/View" that way you're pressing menu / view instead of the Legion L and Legion R buttons when you exit moonlight. Although, this combination is somewhat difficult to press due to the button layout.
antheas3w ago
legion L + rb switches to dinput mode or dual dinput
Mad Shade
Mad ShadeOP3w ago
Ok cool, that seems to explain it then. So i guess for the long term, one of the workarounds mentioned above is basically how we'll have to stop a moonlight stream since it doesn't appear you can remap the start+stop+lb+rb combination in moonlight
HikariKnight3w ago
nope you cannot sadly

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