
Hi, i want send some suggestion to riot games for valorant but i can't fin where. Can someone tell me where can i send my suggestions please? My english is estremly bad btw.
23 Replies
Geniux3w ago
riot does not take suggestions per their ToS
Verstappen de Temu
ohh ok thx It's just that I would like them to add something so I can try out the characters before buying them to see if it's a good decision or not. Because in the shooting range there are skills that need to be killed and the bots are useless, for example the ISO ult.
Geniux3w ago
you can do that in a custom game, with one of the people on your friendslist
Verstappen de Temu
Yes but i need buy that agent to do that if i don't have that agent i can't do it
Geniux3w ago
aaah right
Verstappen de Temu
yes u understand now my suggestion hahaha
Metamorphosis3w ago
Are all agents unlocked in practice or you gotta buy for that too? Ion remember :thonk:
Geniux3w ago
in practice (the range) all are free in custom only those you alr got
Metamorphosis3w ago
Yeah so, you can try the agent utils in the range
Verstappen de Temu
not all abilities
Metamorphosis3w ago
:susdge: Wdym by that
Verstappen de Temu
ISO ulti for example u can't wait im gonna record a video to show yu you* my english is extremly bad btw
Metamorphosis3w ago
You can take a bot into the ult if I’m not mistaken
Verstappen de Temu
ik dw wait im gonna record a video wait a moment pls
Verstappen de Temu
@Metamorphosis another example Clove's ulti Bots can't kill you so you can't use the clove's ulti cypher's ulti skye's ulti skye's heal
Geniux3w ago
all of the utility you can not use in the range are pretty self-explanatory tho
Verstappen de Temu
And I'm too lazy to try more, but that's enough
Metamorphosis3w ago
^ it is quite literally self explanatory Skye’s heal, heals teammates Cypher’s ult, reveals enemy location Clove ult brings you back for a short time and if you can get a kill or an assist before the time runs out you don’t die
Verstappen de Temu
Yes, but if I want to unlock a character and I can't test his abilities, it's not much use trying it out.
Geniux3w ago
fair (iso is not worth any kingdom credits :r_babyslap: )
Verstappen de Temu
And that's why I say it would be nice if there was a way to try ALL of them. well ok its enough I can't send suggestions, understood
Metamorphosis3w ago

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