VC broken
idk the issue, it was working during a swiftplay, broke midway through (according to teammates, after it broke it was just crazy earr_pe for a bit before it stopped working completely) next match it didnt work at all.
during both matches, when I first got into the game, all players vc status were set to muted (the speak with an x), which I have not done, and was unable to change, in the first match, this changed after a bit, second match it didnt change at all
the game is detecting my mic and what I say when I do a loopback test, so idk what the issue is
I was concerned that I might have been VC banned, however I haven't received any notification of that, and the ONLY time that I have been "toxic" or rude in any way during a match was last night, when a toxic chamber kept telling me, and my team, to k_ll our selves, to which I told him to "shut the f up"
please help, TY
11 Replies
well for starters im pretty sure u wont get a vc ban for saying that cuz i hear that on a daily basis in my ranked games. But ive had your error but the thing is it happens to me one game then next game it becomes fine
i tried restarting once it worked for me
otherwise disconnect-reconnect ur headphones and try it
otherwise idk
ty for replying
So, I tried restarting the game, which didnt work, though I havent tried restarting my pc or replugging my headset, when it started to break the first game, I tried changing mic, which didnt work either, additionally, my sound is working just fine, no distortion or anything
and ty for the reassurance that I didnt get a vc ban 😌
i gotchu
ask riot help
I probably will, ty
check win 10 permissions for microphone? random guess - I also have issues with vc
I'll check this, but the game is detecting my mic when I test it using the loopback setting, I hear myself clearly there.
And thank you for the reply!
running valorant as admin just solved it for me I think?
yeah that works - so it seems to be some permission issue on my side at least
SO, my game works now
ive done 2 things
restart pc
run game as administrator
Im unsure which of these two fixed it, but it works now
thanks for your help @balance and @goofiboi
running as admin is kinda bad tho, there must be an underlying issue thats solveable without admin run
fucking vc broken again