refresh rates
yo so i've been wondering for awhile now whether to choose between 180 hz or 240hz but the thing is i could go for save for 240 hz but when the time comes ill go off really broke rn im on 100 hz monitor
my current specs are: 32gb ram
12th gen intel(R) core(TM) i5-12400
paired with Rtx 4060 (yes im broke for gpu)
19 Replies
the diffrence between 180 and 240 hz is very little but if it wont take you long to save up for the 240 you should prob go for the 240
it would take like 3 months at most
is it still worth the wait
what monitor do you want to get?
wym what monitor?
like the name of the monitor
i just want to see the specs and price
i havent decided
i just see the specs
not even any ideas on the exact one?
not decided
i just see the specs
what specs do you want to get
24-27 inch
idrm 24 if its cheaper
1080p im guessing
well i gtg now ill ttyl
so 24 inch 1080 240/180 monitor
how much u got saved rn
i have like 200
1 ms or .5 tho
What ur opinion?
if you are fine with the monitor you have rn save for the 240 if you rly want an upgrade soon go for the 180