Issues with OBS Game Capture and Valorant

Whenever I try to use OBS' game capture on valorant, the game basically just dies, lagging like crazy and I basically can't do anything. Display capture works just fine however. Attached is a video displaying what exactly is happening. The first time you see the game window, it's on display capture and there are no issues. The second time you see the game window is using the game capture on OBS and you can see the game die. It goes back to normal once I disable the game capture on OBS. Anyone know what might be up with this or how to fix it? Video:
Watch 2025-02-12 20-56-45 | Streamable
Watch "2025-02-12 20-56-45" on Streamable.
3 Replies
AbhimสŇyu3w ago
Known issue I'll send u the old version
thot dog
thot dogOP3w ago
kinda found it on my own in the time since posting this, thanks though

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