41 Replies
no, its a scam that will "hack" your account
so like, i already did it and my email got replaced
is there any chance of me retrieving my account?
just quit valorant
:valQuestion: If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved.
Account Recovery: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
good luck
if u fall for this you dont deserve a computer
everybody did something like that at some point :shrug: good moment to learn that nothing is free
i fell for coc gem generator when i got my first phone :OkaygeBusiness:
fair enough
:val_CAUGHT: :val_CAUGHT: :val_CAUGHT: :val_CAUGHT: :val_CAUGHT:
fell for a robux gen
Skill issue
you know what else is a skill issue
U not getting above silver?
im asc 2 😭
what i was gonna say
was kaneki getting his fingers and toes ripped off constantly
We all know what happened afterwards 🙏
jason skill issue after that
The fact that u remember the name of that guy
Is crazy to me
Unless u watched it like last month or sum
im surprised i remembered it
Which u prob didn't
been 2 years since i watched it
Yea exactly
am i cooked? i cant remember my hashtag
very cooked
have u spent money on the game
not really
but its mine
wait, the hashtag i have in game, is it the same in my riot id?
Hashtag is the game name
U should be able to see ur username in the email when u first made the account
i changed the pass and i still have access to my acc
i think thats a good sign
yeah next time dont signup for any sketchy websites
too good to be true ig