if you are above 90ms on a server, you should not be able to queue for that server in ranked at the very least. the only people who are playing above 100 ping in ranked aka the 120 ping EU account boosters/cheaters ARE THE ONLY ONES USING IT AND ABUSING IT. YOU CAN NOT PLAY AGAINST IT, IT IS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO PLAY ON ATTACK. Please riot just consider all of the fucking cheaters or just radiant smurfs playing from EU to NA and they're using 120 ping. It DOES give them an advantage I EVEN FUCKING USE IT ON EU I GOT IMMORTAL IN 3 DAYS USING IT IT IS NOT FAIR, ADD A PING LIMIT IF YOU CANT JUST FIX THE PROBLEM IN THE PEEKERS ADVANTAGE ITSELF. PLEASE GOD IT IS GOING TO KILL EASTERN SERVERS Virginia, Illinois are the prime targets for EU smurfs NOBODY HAS FUN PLAYING AGAINST THEM. most people just remake but if you can't get the remake you just fucking lose and there's nothing you can do. please add a ping limit please consider it pushing this because it doesn't hurt anyone, its a ping limiter SPECIFICALLY FOR RANKED. PLEASE DO IT Like if you can't play ranked without being above 90ping then play in your own fucking region dude please like this is basically fucking cheating in the game, but it's not bannable (yet) ? You can't fix smurfing but you can fix this because it's a fucking exploit bro 120 ping player jiggles or swings into a 40 ping player, the 120 ping player will always have around 10-15ms to shoot first and that is GAME BREAKING THERE IS NOT 50/50 GUNFIGHTS they always have an advantage and that is so wrong for the game. Please PLEASE fix this its been years
5 Replies
dipn.OP2w ago
I am more than open to showcase this in full with a rioter, we can go into a custom game and 1v1 on like haven mid or c long and you will not be able to see me or maybe JUST see me when you're falling to the ground. It IS an exploit and should not be available Add Ping Limit for ranked
Metamorphosis2w ago
You use it on EU servers, but you don’t want people to use it on NA servers? :susdge:
dipn.OP2w ago
Used it to prove to myself I'm not tweaking out, haven't used the account since. :val_Wokege: How do I get a rioter to help me/ read this instead of randys in the community
Metamorphosis2w ago
VANGUARD Main2w ago
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.

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