Lucjan - Hi Team, is it possible to manipluate ...

Hi Team, is it possible to manipluate the answer size on the embeded liveboard? The goal here is to change size of the answer on the bottom
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I don't think there is an autoadjust for just the vizs, though you can use fullHeight to dynamically resize according to the height of the Liveboard, but that is just for the whole liveboard not individual vizs. You would need to set the size in the liveboard only.
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5 Replies
utsav.kapoor3w ago
Are you using full Height ?
shikharTS3w ago
Also you can edit the liveboard viz length by editing the liveboard in your TS app, but you will need edit permissions for this.
LucjanOP3w ago
@utsav.kapoor , yes here is my code
const embed = new LiveboardEmbed("#embed", {
pinboardId: PID,
fullHeight: true,
visibleActions: [Action.Download, Action.DownloadAsCsv, Action.DownloadAsXlsx, Action.AxisMenuFilter, Action.ShowUnderlyingData, Action.Alert],

const embed = new LiveboardEmbed("#embed", {
pinboardId: PID,
fullHeight: true,
visibleActions: [Action.Download, Action.DownloadAsCsv, Action.DownloadAsXlsx, Action.AxisMenuFilter, Action.ShowUnderlyingData, Action.Alert],

@shikharTS , ahh okay - got it, this can be changed in the liveboard indeed. Is there any autoadjust option, or we need to set the size in the liveboard only?
shikharTS3w ago
I don't think there is an autoadjust for just the vizs, though you can use fullHeight to dynamically resize according to the height of the Liveboard, but that is just for the whole liveboard not individual vizs. You would need to set the size in the liveboard only.
LucjanOP3w ago
Okay, thanks @shikharTS for the complex response

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