Connor - Hi Thoughtspot team,I'm trying to re...

Hi Thoughtspot team, I'm trying to replace some text that comes up in a filter modal when a user doesn't have access to the data model in a Liveboard. You can see that below in the image I attached. We added the below code to the Thoughtspot liveboard initialization config.
customizations: {
content: {
strings: {
"This filter is view-only because you do not have view or edit access to the data source(s):": ""
customizations: {
content: {
strings: {
"This filter is view-only because you do not have view or edit access to the data source(s):": ""
but the text stays the same. Any ideas on what might be happening? Thanks!
No description
8 Replies
utsav.kapoor3w ago
@Connor Craig - Trying this out and will let you know what you need to do @Connor Craig - I see that the problem is coming from
in the end of the string. What is your usecase with hiding the string ? I tried:
strings: {
"This filter is view-only because you do not have view or edit access to the data source" : "",
"(s)": "",
":": ""
strings: {
"This filter is view-only because you do not have view or edit access to the data source" : "",
"(s)": "",
":": ""
which basically leaves
in the screen
Justin Mathew
Justin Mathew3w ago
@Connor Craig if you want to hide that you can use custom css to make display none and it will be gone,
Connor Craig
Connor CraigOP3w ago
Thanks for the response. We don't want our users seeing that text, so we are trying to replace it with something else (note that I truncated that text in my question). Ideally we wouldn't want to replace "(s)" and ":" since that almost definitely comes up in other areas in our liveboards. I'm going to speak with the team and see if we can just remove the whole warning using custom CSS however pretty unfortunate that we can't change that text.
utsav.kapoor3w ago
@Connor Craig - Agreed. Can you also raise a SFDC Ticket for this so we have a bug for this internally and we can fix this ?
Connor Craig
Connor CraigOP3w ago
Sure thing @utsav.kapoor. There are some other things inside that error, it also shows our data model name which we can't remove. Definitely don't want our users seeing that. I'll also add that in the ticket
utsav.kapoor3w ago
Yeah data model name will not be removed because it is dynamic so either we write all the data model names or it wouldnt hide.. Do you want to hide data model names from your users ?
Connor Craig
Connor CraigOP3w ago
@utsav.kapoor That's correct, definitely don't want to show the model names. In our case we only have 2 data models for all of our users and limit access to specific parts of the model based on the user accessing it. We tried doing a text replace on those model names but no luck there. That model name is unfortuantely attached to that prior text so it's either removing the entire text or leaving the model name in there seems like.
utsav.kapoor3w ago
So In this case, I would just hide the whole section and not go with text replace as there is
Request Access
Request Access
Link. I would open 2 tickets in this case: 1. Hide Request Access section in Liveboard Filter 2. Text Replace not working. While these are fixes, i will hide the whole section.

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