RR bug

Today i had a though game and carried my team. but sadly enough i only got 20 rr. Any idea on how this happend?
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13 Replies
Jidat3w ago
Thats not a bug Thats normal rr gain given according to the mmr of the lobby, the score by which u won and a few other factors
Jidat3w ago
Normal aswell
What abt this? that 12 rr
Raum3w ago
If that's around the peak of your rank, it's normal to get less RR, score is 13-11 as well Just keep fragging and winning games and it will slowly get better
yume3w ago
No description
But why does the game keep putting me in these low mmr? Ive been playing good in higher mmr It was my good day, and then the game decides to put me in low mmr The matchmaking rly needs a fix Like a rly big one They put me in low mmr when i have a good day Thats nonsense
yume3w ago
go complain to valorant ;valsupport
VANGUARD Main3w ago
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
Matsui3w ago
Like when i have a good day in Valorant, the game decides to put me in low mmr, so that means less rr each win
Matsui3w ago
the game doesnt put you in a bad or good lobby just because they want, all depends on your mmr which puts you to play with good or bad people and ofc you will gain more headshots if you play against bad people

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