Legion Go - Back Buttons Double Mapped

I dual booted Bazzite with an existing Windows install where the back buttons were mapped via Legion Space within Windows. When I use the system > controller > test input option in Bazzite, pressing the back buttons shows the corresponding button mapping as configured in Windows. When I enable the Steam Input / Elite option and map the back buttons within Bazzite, that mapping adds on top of the one from Windows, essentially double mapping the back buttons. Suspecting the button mappings are saved to firwmare when mapping within Windows, I removed the mapping and re-tested in Bazzite. Sure enough, the Windows mappings are removed. Is there a way to avoid this so the button mappings are independent between each OS? Thanks.
its not in windows and no
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6 Replies
antheas4w ago
No, they are stored in the controller
Mango_SalzaOP3w ago
But only on the Windows side, correct? Meaning I can map in Bazzite without the reverse issue of Windows receiving double mapping from Bazzite?
antheas3w ago
No Yes Windows mappings transfer over
Mango_SalzaOP3w ago
Thanks. Would installing HHD in Windows make any difference here? I know some people do that with the Le Go but I am not sure why.
antheas3w ago
its not in windows and no
antheas3w ago
you need to reset the mappings in windows otherwise they will transfer over

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