How to run another Tunnel on my pc when 1 Tunnel is already running
7 Replies
there is someone to help me fix ssl error problem ?
the same command how you ran thr first one but different token
yeah but it throws an error
You shouldn't need another tunnel in a normal setup. Add more public hostnames/endpoints to the existing tunnel, and it can do everything for you
no actually i need to test somethings and i cant mess with other stuff thats why i want to add another one...
can you help me?
Most settings are per public hostname, you should still be able to reuse the same tunnel.
If you really want to run more then one tunnel, it depends on your OS. If on linux using systemd, copy the service (should be at /etc/systemd/system/cloudflared.service by default) to cloudflared2 or something like that, change name/references in file and token. Same for other platforms which you want to run it as a service. It's a bit messy, not intended to be done often
(just to add on, you can also run CF tunnels in docker if you are comfortable with that, it makes it easy to separate out any app or instances of tunnels)