Cloudflare blocking all URIs

Cloudflare is currently flagging all URIs as phishing attempts and is cutting off the metadata and original object data for hundreds of thousands of NFTs (probably more). I noticed when I went to the main page that it does look suspicious, but is there a way to make the phishing flag more targeted so it doesn't interrupt all of these links that have worked effectively for years? Thanks for you time.
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4 Replies
Walshy4w ago
The site owners would need to appeal the flag. They'll have an email regarding it.
IvskyOP3w ago
Thanks. And I can also look into how I can raise the issue with them. To follow up on this, I got word from that they responded to the email you mention, but I see that the flags are still there. Can I ask whether you received the appeal?
Walshy3w ago
Not on the Trust & Safety team and have no insight into their things So no idea but if they replied we should have yes and the team will review
IvskyOP3w ago
Thanks, I can use that to follow up with

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