Cloud flare being blocked by csp

cloud flare isn’t popping up this website i use so i can’t log in then i went into developer mode and it said csp was blocking it. then i went to the cloud flare website itself and tried to login but the verification wouldn’t pop up again. any way i can fix it?
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8 Replies
famous rockstar
famous rockstarOP4w ago
any help?
Idle4w ago
gotta contact the website lol
famous rockstar
famous rockstarOP4w ago
i already have the issue can’t be with the website because when i go to log in on cloud flare it has the same verification button and it doesn’t pop up either
bryce4w ago
turn your browser extensions off. do you have surveyjunkie browser extensions or the sj pulse app installed?
famous rockstar
famous rockstarOP4w ago
nope every extension is off
Dubz4w ago
Website owners are responsible for development and maintenance of their content. Cloudflare is just there to assist with the transit of data. In this case, they chose to utilize turnstile as well it seems, however it's still on the owner to fix it.
famous rockstar
famous rockstarOP4w ago
so why doesnt the verification pop up on cloudflare either
Dubz3w ago
User error :shrug_spin: There are more things than extensions that can block sites/scripts. Have you done any extensive troubleshooting or just a miss on one client and immediately started pointing fingers?

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