Issue with Infinite Scroll Not Working on Safari/Apple Devices

Hi, I'm experiencing an issue with my infinite scroll it works perfectly on all browsers except Safari or Apple devices.On these devices, when reaching the end of the infinite scroll, a reload occurs, which does not happen on other browsers. I'm not sure what exactly is causing the problem, and I haven't been able to find a fix. Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!
11 Replies
redcaus1235OP2w ago
But it is only on safari Or Apple and I still dont now How to fix it
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2w ago
Try adding transform: translateZ(0); to the images
.slide-track img {
width: 400px; /* Bildgröße anpassen */
height: auto;
flex-shrink: 0;
transform: translateZ(0);
.slide-track img {
width: 400px; /* Bildgröße anpassen */
height: auto;
flex-shrink: 0;
transform: translateZ(0);
On a side note, I notice that you are using JS to pause the animation on hover. You can also do this just with CSS
animation-play-state: paused;
animation-play-state: paused;
redcaus1235OP2w ago
Thank you I will try it out But what causes this reload ?
redcaus1235OP2w ago
redcaus1235OP2w ago
I hope your suggestion fix it
clevermissfox2w ago
Is it wm actual reload where your browser window refreshes or is it a flash because the end amd the beginning isn't perfectly lined up ?
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson2w ago
sorry, I think that should have been -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); though in my test on your codepen it did work without the prefix It really is nothing more than the browser moving the container (with the images) back to its starting position. Safari struggles a little bit with this when images are involved, that is why the translateZ() trick should resolve the issue as it applies hardware acceleration on the images (not sure of the correct technical reason behind this)
redcaus1235OP2w ago
I think the second I doesn’t reload the whole page The just this little ”flash“
clevermissfox2w ago
Ah gotcha, good catch . Yep I've heard about the translate3d being the trick to supercharge the CPU for animations. Sounds like Chris has identified that it's moving it back to the original starting position so it's not lining up. Chris knows his stuff, would take his advice
redcaus1235OP2w ago
I will try it out later and tell you guys if it’s worked
ἔρως2w ago
the classic translateZ also, add will-change: transform

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