12 Replies
@iTeachChem can you please explain 🙏 idk where the doubt solver role went
@nermal @Picchi :(
Chemistry Stack Exchange
What happens when an alkyne reacts with ammoniacal Cu2Cl2?
My text book provided me with 2 reactions concerning alkynes (Specifically Terminal Alkynes).
The first one was the dimerisation of an alkyne on passing it through ammoniacal $\ce{Cu2Cl2}$.
All was...
does this help?
Actually doesn't really help I'm just asking if we dimerise ethyne why don't we get but 1,3 yne?
Why 1 ene 3 yne
what is dimerisation according to you?
pi electrons need to move around, right? why will the triple bonds be retained? did not follow
Its a little unstable rn
Im out abhi hostel jaake ill check
yeah my bad. i mixed up dimerzation with all that radical stuff in preparation of alkanes
all good :)
btw @lakshya where's the para from?
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