FPS problem
I used to get 200+ fps on Valorant normally but today when I booted up the game fps is bugged to 30-40 what’s the fix?
22 Replies
And it’s not a problem with any of the in game settings it’s all on low
Are you playing on a laptop?
No shit sherlock
I’m ngl their name sounds familiar
@AbhimสŇyu I’m downloading high on life
Wait what's that
Waifu game?
Yk the game where the gun can talk
Wth is that shit
Yes but it has a 3080 and i9
Are you connected to power? Or playing on battery?
Yes to which 1
Its connected to power
Are your graphics driver updated
Open task manager > performance and show ss
I updated the driver on nvidia thing
Open nvidia app > drivers and show ss
my friend has the same problem
they upped graphic quality
if not fuckup smt
he went from 100 stable
to barely 60