28 Replies
If you’re playing in a region which different than the account region then yes
im on a holyday
what if im here for vacation
How long have you been on vacation for?
like 7 days
and i bought my region gift cards and i cant use them
and riot wont reply
When did you write the ticket ?
this morning
but i heard they cant do anything
so i just wasted my money
since i cant refund
can i maybe get a whole account refund i bought skins yesterday
You need to wait
Might take a day or 2 to reply
If you’ve upgraded the skin using radianite or played any match with the skin, then no, your skins are not refundable.
thats bull shit
You said you’re on vacation, if you go back
You can change your account back to your native region
And use those gift cards
my gift cards will expire
Gift cards don’t expire
im staying for a month more
they do
i bought digital ones
I am talking about digital as well
They don’t expire
Unless redeemed by someone
but they might change it back now?
like i have a chance?
i have specific skins on my shop
It’s a bit weird, they don’t change regions that quick
thats why i bought gift cards in the first place
Wait for them to reply to your ticket
but its wierd they dont tell u
i feel like i need to know that my region changed
There’s nothing weird about that
What region are you playing in
Don’t all EU regions have the same payment method
i was located in turkey
like i can give them proof
of me living there
but i need to buy these skins
Anyways, all you can do is wait for them to reply