MDL (Material Design Lite) bug with scroll momentum

How could I troubleshoot this bug that breaks scrolling momentum in Safari Desktop 18.1? By that I mean that the page should keep scrolling and decelerating when I flick up or down with two fingers on the trackpad, and originally it worked fine, but since sometime in the last year or so it stopped doing that. It has something to do with background-attachment: fixed and the CSS class mdl-js-layout on the parent. I have narrowed it down to this codepen. (Note the Material Design Lite 1.3.0 JavaScript is added as an external script in the pen settings.) I don't know how to proceed. Any ideas?
7 Replies
ἔρως2w ago
question: is the trackpad clean and smooth and free of finger "stuff"? and free of dust too?
HostOP2w ago
Yeah, and scroll momentum works fine everywhere else.
ἔρως2w ago
and in other pages too?
HostOP2w ago
Everywhere else except this website which is using MDL.
ἔρως2w ago
then file a bug with mdl maybe it's a new bug and they arent aware of it maybe it's a regression on their side maybe it sorta worked before and now borked for good but the best is to file a bug with them i saw the code and you arent doing anything besides importing the css and a very eye-piercing background
HostOP2w ago
Alright, this is an old website... anyway, MDL hasn't been updated in 8 years, I don't think I'll bother reporting it.
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ἔρως2w ago
yeah, but you can try adding scroll-behaviour: smooth and see if it helps besides that, personally, i cant help if anyone uses macs and can try it, then we can rule out it being a bug in your browser

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