no more full ssh? cannot connect vs code / cursor
hi, I used to be able to connect vs code to my pods over ssh by using the 'full ssh' option (supports scp & sftp). that option doesn't seem to be around any more? I have connected to multiple A40 pods and now an H100 over the last couple days and there's no full ssh option. is this going to come back? is there some new configuration needed?
6 Replies
you need to have a TCP port exposed
seems like 22 is exposed by default
or is that a UI bug
what does your pod config look like?
either your template or click "edit job" to see the pods current config
site's down right now, but from my memory I looked at the tcp ports and there's a placeholder that suggests a couple tcp ports are open by default. but maybe that's bad UI and it's just suggesting i put those values in?
right - sorry about that. but yes that's just a placeholder. no TCP ports are open by default
i'll have to try that next.
ty zeke
following up. that seems to have been the issue. i was thrown off by the placeholder text, and the fact that i had set this up on another template, but i must have copied a template that didn't have this set up.
interesting. looks like secrets / env vars are not available in the tcp ssh