RunPod4w ago

runpodctl communityCloud + spot

How to create spot on community? start a pod from runpod.io Usage: runpodctl create pod [flags] Flags: --args string container arguments --communityCloud create in community cloud --containerDiskSize int container disk size in GB (default 20) --cost float32 $/hr price ceiling, if not defined, pod will be created with lowest price available --env strings container arguments --gpuCount int number of GPUs for the pod (default 1) --gpuType string gpu type id, e.g. 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090' -h, --help help for pod --imageName string container image name --mem int minimum system memory needed (default 20) --name string any pod name for easy reference --networkVolumeId string network volume id --ports strings ports to expose; max only 1 http and 1 tcp allowed; e.g. '8888/http' --secureCloud create in secure cloud --templateId string templateId to use with the pod --vcpu int minimum vCPUs needed (default 1) --volumePath string container volume path (default "/runpod") --volumeSize int persistent volume disk size in GB (default 1)
2 Replies
nerdylive4w ago
i think just use --communityCloud, and other args
MaxOP4w ago
There is no option to create spot on community at all. More, not possible to create community spot via web UI, there are an error that the host not available anymore

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