Kicked error 7 mid match
So i was having a normal game, like many others, but suddently i got kicked, the match was terminated, saying i violated term 7, i search about it, it is about cheating, i never cheated, and im against it, i opened a ticked support, it also says it was because of reports and an aumatic verification, riot can make a manual verification right, cuz this is not fair,
thanks in advance
6 Replies
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
You can write a ticket to riot^
ye i already did, just wanted to know if they like make an manual verification yk
this kind of thing never happened
sometimes i got to reinstall vanguard cuz it gives me some errors at game loading
i also been searching about apps running at background
came with a XtuService
its a overclocking tool,
and also says vanguard could flag that as third party apps
but i never in my life used anything
thanks for the response btw
@Metamorphosis what do u think
sorry for the ping
Tbh riot never discloses what specific app could get you banned, so it’s impossible to know (unless a person uses obvious cheats)
ye ik they never say, but i saw that some overclocking and turbo apps have trouble with vanguard