still pay to lose
When you use it as the scythe its fixed but when you inspect and make it a dagger its still pay to lose smh.
8 Replies
@AbhimสŇyu does this make sense to you :CB_notlikethis:
When you use it as a scythe what’s fixed
There was a bug about its bigger than the player model. They told that they fixed it but they didn’t properly
Im talking about noctornum scythe
Ahh that’s what you mean,
When you’re behind boxes knife can be seen
They didnt fixed it properly
I just wanted to spred this information to let the devs know about this quicker
It’s more efficient if you send it to riot directly through riot support page
There’s an option for reporting bugs
I’m sure this falls under that category
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
Okay thanks for help tho