44 Replies
Im not able to update valorant. Is there any solution for this?
Just wait. Many people want to download the update.
@AbhimสŇyu stop updating your valo, he needs to update rn
Stealing everyone’s update speed like that :bunnyno:
lol whatt
nah its fixed now
It just a bug
It goes back to normal
just make some disc space thats it
My C drive was almost full
This happens every update. And it's normal. Over time, the speed becomes normal because some players have already downloaded the update.
Wth ? so it becomes slow cuz other people are updating?
Damn okay!
I'm not I didn't even get an update
Broo what!
There are sooo many people updating Valorant.
tell em to stop
lemme update first
my team is waiting
That's now how it works lmao
Back to 0.1KB/s again
Like I said, it’s a bug with the latest update, it goes to normal and back to 0.1 and then back to normal
But it's true. Ask anyone. Everyone has this speed. Regardless of the region.
so how can i update???
i wanna play rn
should i use a VPN?
Just wait and don't stop updating. Otherwise, the update may start from the beginning.
It just did
No. I tried. It doesn't depend on the region, I already said that.
yeah but, i gues even if u stop the update. It resumes right?
it might be from 0% but the files might be downloaded from before already
As far as I know, no. When I did that, it would start all over again.
for me when i resume. It becomes more faster
this rn

If it works for you, then you can do it. (^^)
yeah, i guess
The fck :val_KekwSob:
Where is this info coming from lmao

If I download Valorant not on the day of the update, it downloads fine. :)
Are u serious rn?
@Metamorphosis what a shocking revelation :val_KekwSob:
Its not true
My friend only took few mins to download while i had to wait few hours
I don’t know, but if I download the update the next day, everything is fine. Maybe it's just for me.