Email hacked and Temporarily locked
My email got hacked and i cannot change the email cuz it sends the code to the email i have no longer access
17 Replies
:valQuestion: If you have forgotten your login credentials or your account has been compromised, you can try to recover your account by heading to the link below. Permanently banned or deleted accounts cannot be retrieved.
Account Recovery:
i cant recover i tried
No wait I think if email is hacked
:valQuestion: The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
i cant go into the settings
I also sent the ticket
And what did they say
The matter is that it was my brothers email and unfortunately he is no longer with us he just told me about acct pass and username i played for a month and then got hacked
and my brother was living in turkey
They said that Your banking details but i dont have What to do now
they are saying to think in future but how can i Tell them bcz account info was with my bro
i have my account logged in to Valo box
i can share SS

They are asking for banking details ( ss of receipts) or bank statements showing the payments of vps
AS it was my brothers account how can i have the details and he is no more
U should be more concerned about getting access to the email
How do u even get ur gmail account hacked smh
Contact google support or sum
It was @hotmail account and i contacted Microsoft they are asking the details my brother was having
Then there is quite literally nothing that u can do
Without the original email