Everytime I am playing valorant it keeps minimising my screen and taking me to my desktop. It does every couple of minutes it’s so annoying
7 Replies
I have the same issue
Does anybody know how to fix that?
@sasoki you're playing fullscreen right?
I fixed it
Just do the latest windows update and you should be fine
Yeah it’s so bloody annoying
It ruins my whole game play
I think mine might be updated ?
I’ll check
Did you find a solution/
I’m going to test it now I’m opening valorant rn I’ll let you know
I ran to check to see if there’s a virus but everything is clear
It just happens to me only with valorant and it’s so annoying fr
Defo not an update thing still happened
: (
same for me
idk what's going on
i only stared happening to me when i tried to get true stretch
Try putting it to window full screen
That actually helped
I don’t have that