Aokzoe A1 Custom EDID and FPS limit slider

Hi All My goal is to have access to 40hz/Fps limit in game mode What i did first is to apply a custom edid (from here , it's used in chimeraos) , and it worked, i am able to select and apply 40hz refresh rate in bazzite desktop mode the issue is that it's no translated in game mode since the slider only gives me 60/30/15... fps limit Is there a way to have the 40 fps limit working in gamemode?
8 Replies
matt_schwartz4w ago
you can create a custom Gamescope config file for your device
gamescope/scripts/ at master · ValveSoftware/gamescope
SteamOS session compositing window manager. Contribute to ValveSoftware/gamescope development by creating an account on GitHub.
matt_schwartz4w ago
gamescope/scripts/00-gamescope/displays at master · ValveSoftware/g...
SteamOS session compositing window manager. Contribute to ValveSoftware/gamescope development by creating an account on GitHub.
matt_schwartz4w ago
you probably want the simpler lcd deck style
PowerwingOP4w ago
thanks for your help, unfortunately it did not work i placed the file in etc/gamescope and it was like this :
gamescope.config.known_displays.aokzoe_lcd = {
pretty_name = "Aokzoe LCD",
dynamic_refresh_rates = {
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
hdr = {
-- Setup some fallbacks or undocking with HDR
-- for this display.
supported = false,
force_enabled = false,
eotf = gamescope.eotf.gamma22,
max_content_light_level = 500,
max_frame_average_luminance = 500,
min_content_light_level = 0.5
dynamic_modegen = function(base_mode, refresh)
debug("Generating mode "..refresh.."Hz for Aokzoe LCD")
local mode = base_mode

-- These are only tuned for 1200x1920.
gamescope.modegen.set_resolution(mode, 1200, 1920)

-- hfp, hsync, hbp
gamescope.modegen.set_h_timings(mode, 32, 24, 32)
-- vfp, vsync, vbp
gamescope.modegen.set_v_timings(mode, 60, 8, 32)
mode.clock = gamescope.modegen.calc_max_clock(mode, refresh)
mode.vrefresh = gamescope.modegen.calc_vrefresh(mode)

return mode
debug("Registered Aokzoe LCD as a known display")
gamescope.config.known_displays.aokzoe_lcd = {
pretty_name = "Aokzoe LCD",
dynamic_refresh_rates = {
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
hdr = {
-- Setup some fallbacks or undocking with HDR
-- for this display.
supported = false,
force_enabled = false,
eotf = gamescope.eotf.gamma22,
max_content_light_level = 500,
max_frame_average_luminance = 500,
min_content_light_level = 0.5
dynamic_modegen = function(base_mode, refresh)
debug("Generating mode "..refresh.."Hz for Aokzoe LCD")
local mode = base_mode

-- These are only tuned for 1200x1920.
gamescope.modegen.set_resolution(mode, 1200, 1920)

-- hfp, hsync, hbp
gamescope.modegen.set_h_timings(mode, 32, 24, 32)
-- vfp, vsync, vbp
gamescope.modegen.set_v_timings(mode, 60, 8, 32)
mode.clock = gamescope.modegen.calc_max_clock(mode, refresh)
mode.vrefresh = gamescope.modegen.calc_vrefresh(mode)

return mode
debug("Registered Aokzoe LCD as a known display")
matt_schwartz4w ago
youre not matching to the display panel
antheas4w ago
If it's a cvt panel use the --custom refresh rates thing And don't fuck with the config files They really need to be removed they dont work The only panel that works properly is the win 4 which is also cvt Vrr displays need special handling anyway
PowerwingOP4w ago
good catch, but still not working it seems working (i can now have 40hz in the slider) but now games are not launching how /where can i found the default GAMESCOPECMD (so that i can add a new option to it)? i tried to echo GAMESCOPECMD in desktop mode but it's empty I made some progress, here's what i did i created a conf file in home/bazzite/.config/environment.d/ with the following values
# Set the specific values allowed for refresh rates

# Set the range of the refresh rate slider in the Steam client
# Set the specific values allowed for refresh rates

# Set the range of the refresh rate slider in the Steam client
Now the slider has the 40 fps option, games are starting fine BUT whatever the slider options (even 30/15...) it seems to do nothing, FPS remain at 60

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