How to install VScode without flatpak so I can install dependencies and such?

Hi, there are some dependencies and tools I need for VScode and it says the Flatpak version is not an official package. So I want to install VScode + dependencies in another way yet still have it work like a regular installed app (be available for open with etc). Can someone please help?
56 Replies
termdisc•4w ago
it says the Flatpak version is not an official package
Many flatpaks are not they are repacked by the flatpak maintainer to be usable as a flatpak
GameRetroOP•4w ago
okay it confused me cause I got a new TXT file auto open when installed the flatpak version and also the logo was different (vscode logo inside a gray square box vs the regular non boxed logo I'm used to) in addition it did say in the txt file I can install things via the flatpak but I am not sure if that installs them for all flatpak apps or just the individual per-app like for VScode only I also found mentions somewhere for other options like toolbox or distrobox and as someone trying to switch over to linux from Win it's a bit confusing for the time being 🙂
termdisc•4w ago
this one depends on how the dependency is packaged. for example, if you were to want to install gamescope as a flatpak, you get these options:
$ flatpak install gamescope
Looking for matches…
Similar refs found for ‘gamescope’ in remote ‘flathub’ (system):

1) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.gamescope/x86_64/22.08
2) runtime/com.valvesoftware.Steam.Utility.gamescope/x86_64/stable
3) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.gamescope/x86_64/23.08
4) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.gamescope/x86_64/24.08
$ flatpak install gamescope
Looking for matches…
Similar refs found for ‘gamescope’ in remote ‘flathub’ (system):

1) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.gamescope/x86_64/22.08
2) runtime/com.valvesoftware.Steam.Utility.gamescope/x86_64/stable
3) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.gamescope/x86_64/23.08
4) runtime/org.freedesktop.Platform.VulkanLayer.gamescope/x86_64/24.08
Option 2 is for the Steam flatpak, while 1, 3 and 4 are available to other apps, such as Heroic
GameRetroOP•4w ago
Okay I found this guide for Fedora Silverblue which is also an atomic distro
GameRetroOP•4w ago
VSCode + Dev Containers and Toolbx/Distrobox setup for Fedora Silve...
VSCode + Dev Containers and Toolbx/Distrobox setup for Fedora Silverblue -
GameRetroOP•4w ago
and used the rpm-ostree command to install code
termdisc•4w ago
you don't really need to layer it in
GameRetroOP•4w ago
i just need to install stuff like node and add some libraries in root dirs so that vscode picks them up for autocomplete really
termdisc•4w ago
the preferred order of doing things are: flatpak, appimage or distrobox, then layering
GameRetroOP•4w ago
ah I see... well in any case vscode is one of the core apps in my daily life so I am sure it's not that bad it's a well maintained text editor
termdisc•4w ago
I would start with the flatpak until you find that it is deficient
GameRetroOP•4w ago
I undrestand, and I am new to all of this (atomic distros and such) so please bear with me ^_^ I am satisfied with it being layered but I do wanna learn and aggreed I prefer flatpacks for apps in general since I like the whole concept from what I've read but for this work related app I just want it to work as needed and autocomplete for me is vital
termdisc•4w ago
you're new, which is why I'm suggesting to avoid layering until the other methods are found to be deficient
GameRetroOP•4w ago
Also I do not wanna forget to thank you for taking the time to enlighten me! So one thing I've noticed with flatpacks was that access to printers and such can be tricky sometimes but I found a way to sort that out with permissions. Another that i've yet to sort out but is a thing that deters me for using it for vscode is for example for bitwarden the "start on login in system tray" just doesn't work. for steam it works flawlessly just sharing
termdisc•4w ago
you're not using Steam as a flatpak
GameRetroOP•4w ago
I am not? So steam is layered in in bazzite?
termdisc•4w ago
flatpaks are semi-sandboxed, so they might not be able to access system settings like that. you can always add startup shortcuts as needed
GameRetroOP•4w ago
Hmm, I assumed it's a flatpack sorry
termdisc•4w ago
it's rolled into the main packages. it's a step above layered as you cannot remove it or rather, shouldn't
GameRetroOP•4w ago
I see! Good to know! So in order to have a flatpak auto-start with login I need to add the command or shortcut to the startup apps list?
termdisc•4w ago
yes, if it cannot do it itself, you can add it in
GameRetroOP•4w ago
Yeah for sure I do play and work on the same machine (work from home) so that's why I went bazitte over aurora since I figured it's easier to setup vscode than steam and drivers haha Agan have to stress I am so grateful you are teaching me all these things!
termdisc•4w ago
np there's probably a straightforward way to make the flatpak vscode work with node22 as there is a flatpak extension for node
$ flatpak install node
Looking for matches…
Remotes found with refs similar to ‘node’:

1) ‘flathub’ (system)
2) ‘flathub-beta’ (system)

Which do you want to use (0 to abort)? [0-2]: 1
Similar refs found for ‘node’ in remote ‘flathub’ (system):

1) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node16/x86_64/21.08
2) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node10/x86_64/19.08
3) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node16/x86_64/22.08
4) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node10/x86_64/20.08
5) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node18/x86_64/21.08
6) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node20/x86_64/23.08
7) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node12/x86_64/19.08
8) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node18/x86_64/22.08
9) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node20/x86_64/24.08
10) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node12/x86_64/20.08
11) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node18/x86_64/23.08
12) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node12/x86_64/21.08
13) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node22/x86_64/24.08
14) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node14/x86_64/20.08
15) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node14/x86_64/21.08
16) app/org.gnode.NixView/x86_64/stable
17) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node10/x86_64/18.08
18) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node14/x86_64/22.08
$ flatpak install node
Looking for matches…
Remotes found with refs similar to ‘node’:

1) ‘flathub’ (system)
2) ‘flathub-beta’ (system)

Which do you want to use (0 to abort)? [0-2]: 1
Similar refs found for ‘node’ in remote ‘flathub’ (system):

1) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node16/x86_64/21.08
2) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node10/x86_64/19.08
3) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node16/x86_64/22.08
4) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node10/x86_64/20.08
5) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node18/x86_64/21.08
6) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node20/x86_64/23.08
7) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node12/x86_64/19.08
8) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node18/x86_64/22.08
9) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node20/x86_64/24.08
10) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node12/x86_64/20.08
11) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node18/x86_64/23.08
12) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node12/x86_64/21.08
13) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node22/x86_64/24.08
14) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node14/x86_64/20.08
15) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node14/x86_64/21.08
16) app/org.gnode.NixView/x86_64/stable
17) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node10/x86_64/18.08
18) runtime/org.freedesktop.Sdk.Extension.node14/x86_64/22.08
GameRetroOP•4w ago
yeah but there was another issue
jinli mei
jinli mei•4w ago
VSCode for Linux also gets distributed via .tar.gz, so you could just unpackage it in a random folder and voila, you has a VSCode install. Though given all the information above, it might be easier to stick with flatpak
GameRetroOP•4w ago
access to keyring for encrypting that's the other error it showed with flatpak so honestly I am very happy with this silverblue guide that had the layered install guide and I promise i'll stick to flatpacks for everything else
termdisc•4w ago
distrobox would be a better choice than layering because then you can install all the dependencies you need in the container
GameRetroOP•4w ago
would I then need to add a .desktop file in applications dir so that I have a way to pin the app to taskbar and such? that's one thing i'm working on for brave browser profiles currently
termdisc•4w ago
distrobox-export -a <appname> inside the container exports a .desktop
GameRetroOP•4w ago
to find a way to pin different profiles to taskbar - and I learned I can do it with registering .desktop files in applications dire
jinli mei
jinli mei•4w ago
you might, boxbuddy sometimes correctly figures out installed applications in boxes and will generate shortcuts for you like, you have to tell it to but it has that option
GameRetroOP•4w ago
nice, well in that case sounds like yeah I could have gone with distrobox for sure
termdisc•4w ago
try it out if you get free time. you'll learn something new
GameRetroOP•4w ago
so if I do a distrobox now I'll probably have two vscode apps right? but if it works out I can unlayer vscode later? i will definitely try it out, any guides on how to use distrobox?
termdisc•4w ago
yes, by default they'll share config folders as well
GameRetroOP•4w ago
from what I saw with "toolbox" command tho the only (to me) downside is it's like a VM or a sandbox so i have to be careful not to remove it cause it will take all the setup with it haha
termdisc•4w ago
it's not a VM or sandboxed beyond the core OS files
GameRetroOP•4w ago
any way to make a backup of distroboxes? you know in case it accidentally breaks or gets deleted - just discussing here
termdisc•4w ago
you can, but I never really learned how. I destroy distrobox containers all the time because the user data is in user space
GameRetroOP•4w ago
ah, i see
termdisc•4w ago
the container itself is pretty much just the OS base + packages
jinli mei
jinli mei•4w ago
could probably just duplicate one as a backup
GameRetroOP•4w ago
nice nice, learning so much so technically all my user settings jsons and such are stored in the home dir probaly somewhre
termdisc•4w ago
I tried duplicating an existing container but then it set the original copy as a dependency, so I had to keep two copies
GameRetroOP•4w ago
i guess in future i'd like to have the home stull in a separate partition stuff*
termdisc•4w ago
I used to separate /home, but now I don't bother
GameRetroOP•4w ago
hmm well it would be amazing if there's a way to say have a distrobox set of commands you can just execute to create a preconfigured distrobox that way you can just one click setup on new machines too
termdisc•4w ago
that is possible
GameRetroOP•4w ago
that would be a gamechanger so install vscode + all tools + settings
termdisc•4w ago
--additional-packages/-ap: additional packages to install during initial container setup you'd use this to install the packages you'd need, but I'm not sure how to add new repos from the first line
GameRetroOP•4w ago
okay THAT is AMAZING - will definitely learn how to do that then there's probably some advanced way to create a bash or config file or something - just speculating here but will try to achieve that in the future for sure
termdisc•4w ago
now that I think about it, I did used to have a bash script for adding chaotic AUR to new Arch boxes so yes, you can make a .sh to add repos and accept keys
GameRetroOP•4w ago
nice nice linux is so powerful but i've never switched completely due to wanting to play games but I feel like it's now a good time to learn and will be keeping win on a dual boot but am really commited to use bazzite primairly and only fall back to win if i have to I think I marked the question as resolved (I hope I did it right) and once again THANK YOU so so much guys!
termdisc•4w ago
np enjoy
GameRetroOP•4w ago
I know that I am just barely scratching the surface here but I honestly love the concept of immutable distros and love what ublue have done on top of that I just hope to learn a lot and some day be proficient enough to not need help and help others instead 😄

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