Tim - My ThoughtSpot embed stopped rendering wi...

My ThoughtSpot embed stopped rendering within Fullstory about a month ago. As far as I can tell, nothing has really changed with my fullstory configuration or liveboard embed code. Are there any settings I need to change in TS to make it work that may have been reverted by accident? Has anyone else reported similar issues?
3 Replies
shikharTS4w ago
@Aditya can you help here?
utsav.kapoor4w ago
@Valhalla - Yes this is because Thoughtspot has deprecated fullstory from our application. We have a new feature coming out in 10.7 which will let you embed your fullstory as part of thoughtspot. @Himanshu Arora is the PM for the feature and he can answer any questions you have related to the new feature
ValhallaOP4w ago
Was there an announcement about the deprecation anywhere? I don't see anything

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