VSCode RPM and Flatpak cannot communicat...
I'm specifically having this problem: https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/issues/1799
VSCode RPM and Flatpak cannot communicate to vscode url handler for...
Summary I have tried 3 different browsers and the only way I have gotten it to authenticate is using both Visual Studio Code as an RPM and Firefox as an RPM. Ideally, I would like it to be able to ...
80 Replies
actually now I'm playing with it, and I'm able to open vscode:// links from my flatpak firefox into my native vscode just fine
(not sure if a thread is what you meant by moving the convo but I figured it's something)
threading is fine.
are you able to use ansible-lightspeed?
that is where I'm specifically getting the behavior of it opening into a new window.
authenticating to github and stuff works fine.
it's the only plugin that is broken for me.
oh weird. I can try, I've never used that before
yeah, it looks like I'd have to sign up for a ton of stuff to even be able to test that interaction... 😕
it's screwing up for everything now.
ah, ok. from that github issue, did you end up messing with .desktop files?
also my simple test was throwing something like
in my browser and letting it try to open in vscodeit doesn't open it in the existing window
it will open it in a completely new window and do nothing.
This makes me want to quit using VScode
I'm trying to send a screen recording but discord is special. but mine opened in the existing window
your vscode is layered/part of your image?
layered as part of my image.
on Bazzite
yeah same
it used to work, I don't know what the hell happened.
just for grins, do a
systemctl --user restart flatpak-session-helper.service
just opens a new window
and just to check, your only .desktop file is the one in /usr/share/applications? you don't have anything in ~/.local/share/applications?
I tried adding something in there to test and it didn't do anything.
just removed it now.
what does your .desktop file look like for vscode?
that's the one in usr/share
OK, so if I try to authenticate using the local server option for github it works.
using just the browser gives me the same behavior.
@alexmeyer so you are saying if you open
in your flatpak browser, it will open in the same window as your rpm based vscode that you have open already?
This is on Bazzite?my cutom image based on bazzite, but yes. and I don't have anything fancy installed that'd change this aspect
Does it open any kind of thing like this?

what do you have in system handler?
I wonder if something is messed up in there for me.
anything in here?

there it goes
something has got to be different on my system then.
as you see in my github issue, it opens a whole new window.
dumb idea, I'm going to try and create a new test user and see if it happens there.

yeah, I saw that. and I remember having that issue when I was trying to use flatpak vscode, and that was such a nightmare I just ended up installing it natively in my custom image
on a new profile

I get this.
selecting vscode opens a new window.
so same behavior even under a new user?
that's wild
only it's not going to always choose the chosen app.
I'm at a total loss.
really dumb question, you've rebooted recently, right? I only ask because I've done exactly that way too many times myself and a reboot was the simple fix and I somehow forgot to even try
several times
I figured, just had to ask. lol
never hurts
I wonder if it's a vscode version thing.
or something with KDE.
are you installing it via microsoft's .repo file?
same for me then
same behavior if you try to
xdg-open vscode://ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
in fact
it opened correctly.
ah HA
no idea what "ah ha", but ah ha!
something on the browser side then. weirdly enough
flatpak firefox?
must be.
from flathub
lol same
any changes with flatseal?
maybe it can't see that directory or something?
do you have
I don't.
it doesn't come by default, I tried that earlier.nope

only overrides are bazzite defaults and then two of my personal folders for opening html files in web project folders

also this is what shows in firefox's applications settings

I see one difference.
i don't see that in yours
hmm yeah
how would I disable that?
that'd be a wild difference to matter in this case
it's a difference.
and that's what matters lol
flatpak override --unset-env=MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND org.mozilla.firefox
should do it?
and then check the output of the show command again to make sure that worked
worst case, you can always directly sudo vim /var/lib/flatpak/overrides/org.mozilla.firefox
and just nuke that lineno change.
restarted firefox, right?
yup, no change.
really weird
yeah, I dunno
makes me mad.
I think I'm just going to switch to Zed and give up on VSCode.
I wanted to set it up so it could be remotely accessible for my iPad
but if I can't get extensions to work, it's like, what's the point?
the fact this issue exists isn't completely surprising to me, but what is surprising is the fact that you have it and I don't
yeah, it's bizarre
I'm supposed to be the one with weird, unexplained issues that nobody's ever seen before and can't replicate
either way, thanks for the help. These issues with flatpaks almost make me want to go back to normal Fedora, but then I'm like, no.
glad to help, even if it didn't go anywhere. sorry I don't have any other ideas
no worries.
I'm not sure where I would even raise this issue to be honest.
right, I have no clue what is failing and where
I thought it was only the ansible plugin, but it's actually everything for me
yeah. and my issue in the past was always the other direction. suddenly apps can't open http links in my browser until I restart that flatpak-session-helper service. hasn't happened in a while I don't think, but it's a weird one
I've been liking Zed, it's just Red Hat wants me to use the Ansible plugin more to get more used to using it so I can inform customers how to use it.
the problem is if I can't get it working, why bother? lol
right. I've seen some stuff about zed. looks cool, but every extension is made for vscode right now
not needed in Firefox 121+
Firefox defaults to Wayland ootb
flatpaks are half-baked
inconsistent sandboxing across apps, integration issues