General question about profiles on Github

Is it common for people to have a personal Github and one that they use to show employers? I’m just starting out with it and I’m not that familiar with it. I just learned that you should use a GitHub account to help you with professional opportunities. Which is why it’s said to be a good thing to use your real name and your picture. However, I see quite a bit of GitHub accounts with profile pictures that aren’t actual people and anonymous usernames
16 Replies
b1mind2mo ago
I mean its the internet so people will do what they want 😄 There is no reason you can't have two but you can also set private repos so I would just have your public facing one and if you don't want to have a public repo make it private
ἔρως2mo ago
personally, ive always used a personal and a work github account this way, if you make a mistake, you cant be accused of leaking company code and everything is very well separated
b1mind2mo ago
yea I don't see the point in having two unless you needed to have a brand or yea that
ἔρως2mo ago
i think it is worth it just for the ease of mind also, it's free
b1mind2mo ago
but that is for work
ἔρως2mo ago
b1mind2mo ago
I wouldn't make two personal ones just to have all repos private on one and public other
ἔρως2mo ago
yeah, for personal use, it doesnt make sense
b1mind2mo ago
when you can just do that per repo yea
ἔρως2mo ago
unless it is s project you dont want to have associated with you for example, hacking tools for offline games cheats for offline games things like that (i specify "offline" because any of those for online games is very very bad) or any super embarassing project you dont want others to see (like a very very ugly project)
b1mind2mo ago
yea that would be a good reason
ἔρως2mo ago
you can put it in private, but, you know how things go you can make your personal be the one you show employees and the "shame" one be the one you never share with anyone ever and in that personal one, you show your best projects and show how you do meaningful contributions to the open-source community (adding "gimme de job plox" on a readme file is not a meaningful contribution)
markeyaOP2mo ago
This is helpful. I didn’t have much context for this area starting out thank you this makes sense
b1mind2mo ago
Yea and about others profiles... I've seen it all... fake, lazy, overt, full os maintainers... like don't do what others do ... do what you need to do. scammers... watch out for those llamas Like its just a website that hosts git so... internet is full of all types GitLab is another popular one
ἔρως2mo ago
exactly, just do your thing if you think 2 profiles is beneficial, to keep your main profile clean, then go for it i would advise to still add some less-finished projects too, as those show how you think about things and go for implementing it
dys 🐙
dys 🐙2mo ago
It's a very useful to create an organization you are a part of and administer. I've got @dysbulic & The Department of Happiness. Orgs are really useful for collaborations. Also, in this day & age, I'd also create a Discord server & link that in the personalization of your organization.
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¡WAGMI‼️. dysbulic has 69 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

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