WAF Country filter fails to register IP origin
I've a domain set with country filter against Non-EU countries.
Using Ray-ID I'm able to find the reason for the blocking, and it seems the issue is that the Country field is "Uncategorized" which is automaticlly blocked, since its fails custom rule set to: (ip.geoip.continent ne "EU")
If I manually look up the Ip address using iplocation.net or ipinfo.io, or any other services, the IP resoles to specific country such as Germany, Great Britain, Norway, Denmak and many more.
It seems to have started last week, and is there any issues with Cloudflare?
5 Replies
Same issue here.. Randomly started a couple days ago with the uncategorized crap. Now blocking IP's it shouldn't be.
Hi there, Cloudflare uses Maxmind as for geo location, you could lookup the IP information here: https://www.maxmind.com/en/geoip-web-services-demo to see whats returned from Maxmind, Cloudflare will use this data - if there is a different between Maxmind and Cloudflare, I would recommend raising a support case with Cloudflare's support team, if you have not done so already.
GeoIP web services demo | MaxMind
Demo MaxMind’s GeoIP web services by entering up to 25 IP addresses. Instantly
access IP geolocation data from our most accurate API solution.
That website shows proper location. But on Cloudflare its still uncategorized.
Whats the IP if you dont mind me asking?
I check the 5 I've noted in maxmind, and it show correct geo location. I'm not able to share those specifically, but I've found a random - it say Norway on all lookup, but it got blocked