screen flickering after changing tabs
Ok soo i recently got Valorant again and mostly everything is good but i noticed that when i alt tab from valorant to chrome for example (or from chrome to valorant) my screen goes black then goes to normal and turns black again for like 1 sec and goes back to normal again. also happens if i change my volume and the volume hud pops up. doesnt happen in other games so i thought maybe its something with the settings maybe there is a way to fix it?
88 Replies
Are you playing on Bordless/Fullscreen Windowed mode?
It's normal to get a slight delay when your game is in Fullscreen mode
i had the issue in fullscreen tried follscreen windowed didnt help
didnt try windowed cuz its unplayable
like the border at the bottom
Try disabled hardware accelerated gpu scheduling
Press windows key
Type graphics settings
Open and expand advanced graphics settings
And disable it from there
i dont see advanced graphics settings

i have win 11 btw
Open task manager > performance show ss

Open your amd software and show ss rq
where exacly in the software? valorant settings?
No press windows key
And search for amd
ok i opened it
Show ss
Of the app

idk why it shows average fps in val 108 when its always caped 180
Does it not go below 180
no. maybe it shows less cuz its 60 when valorant is minimized
like when im in chrome etc
Hags is not available for amd
Or say for some cards
turning off hdr or optimizations for windowed games wont help the issue right?
i mean its fine if there is nothing i can do about the issue its just a bit annoying and could lead to some stupid deaths cuz of screen going black when i accidently change volume or smth
its enable by default, and you cant disable
That's shit
Cuz hags is not that good with some games
any proof?
its impossible
Yes my own experience
okay, placebo proof
No need you can win
ok soo 1st windowed mode does help but i def aint playin valorant in windowed mode 💀 anddd hdr off didnt change anything on the other modes
change flip model to fso
Play in windowed full screen
in windows
What's that
yeah already do
only if you use FSO you get worse latency, with FSO the latency is better, but you will always have that alt tab, it's normal.
whats FSO again?
Hannah Fisher
DirectX Developer Blog
Demystifying Fullscreen Optimizations - DirectX Developer Blog
We wrote this article to explain the difference between Fullscreen Exclusive and Fullscreen Optimizations.
ah ok
you can change flip model permanetly in regedit or toggle Right Click on the Executable File (.exe) and Select Properties
Select the Compatibility Tab
Under Settings – Select “Disable Fullscreen Optimizations”
Click Apply
or i can just do it in game settings? or no
yourdisk:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live
Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64 VALORANT-Win64-Shipping.exe
wait so can i just right click valorant shortcut on deskop click properties and there compatability?
oh i found it i think
u need uncheck it
this yeah?


check another .exe
Maybe you have FSE enabled by default, although it's strange if you haven't touched anything.
i got this pc recently cuz last one was weird potato ahh pc
and havent tauched anything
except the secure boot thing in bios so valorant runs ig
also what did you mean by that? in the same folder as the valorant-vin64......?
i only see .dll files there
It seems to be a feature of valorant in full screen, there's nothing you can do about it, I just always turn on FSE so I'm used to it
In general, you can either get used to it or play in windowed fullscreen with higher latency.
ig il get used to it
and the black screens
just gota remember to not touch the headphones volume thing
it might be a problem tho if i wana record or smth and recording does some popup which causes it to blackscreen or smth
but oh well
my gameplay is too shit to be recorded 🤣
Just adjust it before starting Val
Delete the game
Or play in full screen borderless
Time to go from wannabe tens to wanna be dream
better than the ones i had when my gpu had some problems
yes.. first time i bought this pc it came w a broken gpu
He is so zesty 💅🏼
You haven't seen it happen in dota, the screen flashes 5 times.
He got all the hype before face reveal
kept getting completely rando blackscreens
@AbhimสŇyu done updating?:UmiEvil:
? u mean windowed or what
Windowed full screen
Yes restarting
i play in that all the time
and never turn off HAGS
not like i cant ig.
a yeah
il probs upgrade gpu or smth in a year or bit more
no matter amd or nvidia , unless you use NVIDIA features or a custom inspector profile. Just for Reflex 2.0