RunPod5w ago

jupyter not opens when I activate the pod

I tried to open pods with runpod/pytorch:2.0.1-py3.10-cuda11.8.0-devel-ubuntu22.04 image, but the jupyter lab server doesn't connect to pods and show 502 bad gateway even I wait more than 5minutes However Web Terminal works fine and it makes me more confused as the server is still work fine, just jupyter doesn't works My pod id is 0jct97bqf5ijws
However, even the container and system log from the pod with problem is completely looks normal from outside (which cross-checked by tickets I send through webpage) it still doesn't work, so I think the problem is related to some version mismatch which necessary to run jupyter lab.
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6 Replies
ihbs02OP5w ago
No description
ihbs02OP5w ago
I test with 4090 on secure coud, and it still doesn't work. The pod's id is 8da4od4kyte2kb, and I will keep this pod turned off for you to test it.
Poddy4w ago
Escalated To Zendesk
The thread has been escalated to Zendesk!
ihbs02OP4w ago
This problem is solved after 2~3 hour passed and open new pods.
ihbs024w ago
However, even the container and system log from the pod with problem is completely looks normal from outside (which cross-checked by tickets I send through webpage) it still doesn't work, so I think the problem is related to some version mismatch which necessary to run jupyter lab.
ihbs02OP4w ago
Anyway, it is now solved so I'll close this issue as solved

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