Dual booting Arch with Bazzite help
I wanted to see if anyone can help me with getting Bazzite to work in grub. I have Arch as my main OS, I installed Bazzite on a seperate drive. It shows up in grub. But I get an error similar to what i keep finding on google about bad shim signature, need to load kernal first. I do not have windows or have secure boot enabled but thats as far as I can get. I appreciate any help to get it to work. Right now the only way to access Bazzite is if i go into boot manager when im booting up and select Bazzite from there. I would love to be able to utilize grub if possible.
9 Replies
Dual booting with other Linux distros is not supported last time I checked
is that regardless of which grub version? like arch grub into bazzite or vice versa? or does it even matter?
What about the opposite? Bazzite comes with os-prober
the grub version that fedora atomic uses is incompatible with the one other distros use as the changes are not upstreamed yet.
meaning if you do get it to work, arch can and will replace grub with a "newer" version at some point and break bazzite.
you will get no support on this from us as we do not support dual booting with other linux systems because of this.
Is there any specific reason you have for dual booting between two Linux distros or are you just trying out bazzite for fun?
I use arch as my main system, wanted to use bazzite for my gaming distro, that was really it.
i don't think there's much reason to either use arch for gaming or bazzite for desktop, dual booting just seems like extra hassle
even if it did work properly
personally if you have a setup youre happy with and no issues with it, keep it.
if you are setting up a htpc use bazzite or chimeraos or something similar and try them out and see what you like.
if you are tired of having to maintain your own OS on your system (fixing breakages caused by half successful updates as an example) then use bazzite or something similar.
what i did to try out bazzite when i started was that i installed it on an external ssd and tried it for a bit for stuff i use my pc for
then i just moved that ssd into my system and kept my old system ssd
i still have my ssd with my pop os install just incase i need something from it
Yea not a big deal to go through boot manager, I was originally trying to boot it via vm with its own dedicated video card since I have 2 in my system but couldn't get the video card to bind to it so tried the boot with grub and another set of issues so now just go through boot manager