Formal dinner outfit

I need a bit of advice on this outfit pls. I'm going to a formal dinner with some mates and it's gonna hot af, so I don't think I can wear any jackets or anything without sweating a heap. I really wanted to wear this knit polo I've got on and I think the white and black pants compliment it alright (I would rather some linen dress pants, but alas I can't find any within my budget that I like). I'll probably take off the watch, I think it look a bit cheap and i kinda like the rings, I'll see what y'all think. Thanks heaps in advance and I sincerely appreciate any help y'all could give.
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17 Replies
theaveragejoe6029OP•5w ago
Ps sorry for the bad image quality. This is the best I could do. 😦
tuck in the polo
theaveragejoe6029OP•5w ago
Okay, but hear me out. Lemme show you what happens rq. I think it looks worse.
theaveragejoe6029OP•5w ago
I feel like it makes my proportions look off smh
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nah that looks better looser pants would help but if that's what you got it's what you got
deltic•5w ago
just to be 100% certain, how formal is formal
theaveragejoe6029OP•5w ago
Just a group of boys tryna look a bit snazzy. Not too formal
deltic•5w ago
gotcha, that fits the bill perfect then
theaveragejoe6029OP•5w ago
Yeah, I got looser pants, but they black and all black doesn't really fit the vibe I think.
deltic•5w ago
tucked is the move imo, suits your proportions super nice
theaveragejoe6029OP•5w ago
Aight sweet. I feel like is makes my waist look kinda wide. But that's probably just me being self conscious lol. Imma definitely take yalls word for it.
high waisted just takes some getting used to
deltic•5w ago
theaveragejoe6029OP•5w ago
Ay, my bad. Also, what do we think about the watch? It's definitely a cheap watch, but idk if it's worth wearing or not.
deltic•5w ago
i’d say it looks fine. as art says, just something to get used to with high waisted trousers i’d say wear it i think it elevates the outfit and ties the blacks together. i think it would feel like it was missing something without it
theaveragejoe6029OP•5w ago
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Well sweet, thanks heaps everyone.
lordofthethighs.•4w ago
No, you look good. It's just strange to you because it's a stark difference in proportion compared to what you're used to seeing in the mirror

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