
why do i have a timeout for 136 hours and i just launched the game after 2 days..
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5 Replies
Matsui5w ago
@sayberrss last time you played you got temp banned from playing due probably being afk the timer only starts when you try to pull a match
sayberrssOP5w ago
i got 5 hours of restrict days* bcs i dced from a swift game val too serious about their afk policy’s smh
Metamorphosis5w ago
You went afk couple more time before that And if you go afk again in the near future, the ban time will be even longer
sayberrssOP5w ago
i can’t even do anything and if i do i get timed out and now it leads to me being banned for 5 days smh playing valorant means cutting out everything and everyone in my life because of the strict afk policy. even if im afk for a minute, i’ll be restricted for an entire week. too serious.
Belob5w ago
yeah its kinda annoying.. like my friend yestrday had to go for like 1-2 rounds he told every1 they didnt even care tbh and he got the warning anyways ofc cuz its an auto system.. idk whould make sense if like system detects some1 is afk it like tells teammates <player> went afk. do you want to report him. or smth like that idk whould kinda make sense

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