27 Replies
What kind of help are we talking about here
i need to buy some weapon skins can you change my shop at the time it changes i will buy everything in it
you should hook me up if you have that type of power
Your shop is always randomized
yea you should put my suggetstions in for me
Thats not how it works
i wish it was
do you know anyone that has that power
or can change it
i already submited a ticket
the insiders should hook me up with what i need
all im saying is if you can put a certain skin in my shop or if i give you a few to put in my shop i will buy them
that would be goated of you
No one
:val_HUH: :val_HUH: :val_HUH:
I have power
why not
U are just a normal person
yes thats why i want good skins in my shop
You just gotta wait, and you’ll find it eventually
thats why yall should put them in there
It’ll be there
im trolling
No way 🙀 🙀 🙀 🙀 🤯 🤯 🤯 🤯
yo let me get a skin or 2 in the shop
Ofc not