secure boot verification error
hi, i cannot play valorant anymore due to an error that crashes the game and says secure boot verification error. Here are all the things i have tried so far to fix this issue:
secure boot on and on UEFI
tpm 2.0 enabled
csm disabled
updated bios and converted to gpt
disabled and enabled vbs
cleared secure boot keys and restored them
cleared tpm
uninstalled and reinstalled vanguard
tried this on windows 11 and windows 10
please help
109 Replies
btw i have an hp motherboard is there another way to update bios that I dont know of
Press win r and type msinfo32
Send ss
I feel like it’s 1 of those moment
Oh no

@AbhimสŇyu this is what you wanted right?
So have you ever tried unconventional ways of playing the game
Do you know what I mean
I can get into the game I play for 3 minutes and then it kicks me out
If you're saying i cheat no I didn't
Type tpm.msc in same box and send ss
tpm is already running properly but sure

I've already reset tpm
@Jidat u know what time is it
Show the error u r getting

Are you sure you updated bios to the LATEST version?
yes the latest one was the f.35 by hp
bios update
From what i can see the bios version date should be dec 29
Urs is dec 19
Whats ur riot tag
hmm okay should i try it again
Like the in game name
BiggestBruhMomen #short
Try to update ur bios again
lmao ok
Do you use trackernetwork?
my bios is still updating 70 percent
ya no difference
Show msinfo32

You did download this right?

the thing is i'm downloading the one on the 29th
that's the one i did
but it still says 12/19
this is the one i downloaded

this is the same no?
the version does say f.35 tho
like on the system info
it just says that date
which doesn't correlate with any of the bios downloadable dates
which is weird
the rest are sep 7 jan 26 jim 1st and dec 19th of 2018
so it doesn't correlate
guys what are we thinking
84fd this correlates with the newest bios update

where it says family ssid 84fd
in the previous pic
Yea leave it
@junimo can ya give us a hand:val_HelloBro:
Bios is fully updated
Btw have u tried reinstalling the secure boot variables
Wait for junimo then
Don't ping em tho
did it work
no im still waiting on help
oh ok
If you got the same problem as him and did everything told in this post, consider leaving your riot id and pray for jun to help ya
99% of the time you just need to configure right your bios
you sure you got the riot id right? your acc is not restricted
oh i think i might have been playing on Iplaytrackpad #pad
i might have been on that one oops
same thing, not restricted
@rizzlergod2014 any other ids?
hmm can you try again on the accounts then? because I don't see any reason you should get that pop up on those 2 accs
so the thing is I get into a game and i can play it for 3 minutes and then i get exited out
and then the message appears
that I sent up top
usually in my dm games i get to the 7:30 mark and then it kicks me out
if you look at my stats for every game it's like 5 kills and like 6 deaths for the dm
which means i ended early and left
Might be a ban if u tried everything
Let dev come he will check ur id
ok thanks
thats weird
wouldn't it say the reason i was banned if it was ban tho?
Are you 100% sure you sent the correct riot ids? It would be a first to see someone receive the popup without restriction active
Since you can do that, open your game and send ss of your riot id and tag
ok i'm getting on now

Take a pic of your riot id + the popup if you can and I’ll send it to someone to investigate further @rizzlergod2014
i'll try
it kicked me out early i'm just gonna try and make a video of it happening
it was coincidental that when i got the kill it happened but ive had it happen even when i get none
Alright I’ll look into it
@rizzlergod2014 can you send me the boot logs in C:\Windows\Logs\MeasuredBoot?
do you want them sent in here?
like the files
or dm to you
dm please
Got any resolution?
are you sure you have updated your BIOS?
does it only happen with valorant? @rizzlergod2014
yes and yes
i mean it points everything to it being up to date the msinfo32 matches with the description of the latest bios update
Im having the exact same issue and Ive tried everything from bios to re-installing vanguard still not able to play for more than 3 minutes before crashing with the same pop-up "secure boot verification failed"
my id is mawlhwm#maw if any1 could check if I have some sort of restriction pls
try disabling vbs now that you’ve updated bios, verify that in msinfo32 it states that Virtualization-based security is disabled
you may have hvci issue though
i've turned it both on and off
i had issues at some point with it
but i got it resolved
i'll try turning vbs off but i believe i alr have even with the newest bios
pretty sure i did
is hvci correlated with memory integrity?
Did u tried disabling VBS?
as said i'll try turning it off tmrw
i have before
but i'll try it again
nothing to hurt
or i mean core integrity?
ya i've turned it off and on
i believe i'm only able to turn hvci off with vbs off no?
No turn it off, and check msinfo32 if vbs disabled
did u used hypervisior launchtype off command?
that's what i did
vbs was disabled when i turned hvci off
but i did reupdate my bios again although I already had the update I did it again but I haven't tried doing it again since i can go ahead and try it tmrw
Open a command prompt and run it as an admin.
Paste this command and press Enter: bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off.
Restart your computer.
Check msinfo32 again to confirm that Virtualization-based security is Not Running.
i alr did that
VBS is disabled now?
not rn but when i did that I went back into the game and it didn't work so i turned it back on
No diable that and restart
ok i'll go ahead and try that tmrw
do I also turn off hvci too
yes else you won’t be able to disable vbs
I come with great news
I resolved the issue
Do tell your methods
it was either a corrupt windows file or a disk problem
I talked to a riot employee and they gave me these cmd prompts and it actually worked

I remember my pc shutting down mid gpu driver update and it caused me some problems but I didnt think much of it at the time, might actually be what caused this cause I only started getting the van error after that incident, cant be a coincident?
My friend had the same issue, it was a corrupted file.
He fixed it with sfc/scannow
thank you so much guys i'll try this today
and i'll let you know the outcome
Everyones helping you to get this demons out of your pc
my messages are literally right above urs 🤦
Mf I didn't see
bro edited it so she don't get banned 😭🙏
What did they say
nothing vro let it go
Let it out :val_CAUGHT:
hell naw
In dms 👀
I know they humiliated you
Insulted you
Mocked you
You’re gonna let that slide !
Fight bag
What bag
Fight bag
Cuz he ain't fighting them