help me please man (read entire thing)
ive been playing valorant since the beta in april 2020. ive played it on a consistent basis since then. right now i peak immortal 2 99 rr. mind you, im level 700. I play this game so much and yet i can not rank up. The last time i peaked was in the summer of 2023. i have been in ascendant for the past two and a half years. I dont have anyone to play with, 80% of the time i am solo queuing. i have done everything in my power to identify the issue to why i cant get out of ascendant. Ive even done the konpeki training program that costs like $2k that guarantees you a 5 division rank up in 10 weeks (which is the length of the program) that has a full fledged team of VCT level coaches that give you 10 1 on 1 sessions, alongside community scrims, and everything else. still nothing changed. I have four thousand hours in this game at this point and it is my dream to hit at a minimum immortal 3 350rr. Right now im 17 and i am in an environment where i can play this game a lot. I can put in the hours. i am genuinely lost and i dont know what to do. the last thing that comes to mind is post about this on reddit which is prettty bare bottom. but yeah id REALLY REALLY appreciate it if any immo3-rad players are willing to work with me, because theres no reason to have 4k hours in the game and not even touch tripple digit RR.
main discord is sean822
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