framework 16 can only boot iso in safe graphics mode if dgpu is installed

Hi! I'm trying to install bazzite onto my new framework 16 (7040hs with RX 7700s dgpu). When I try to boot into the installer iso on a usb stick, it gets a little bit of the way through but then the cursor freezes, the fan starts to go, and after a little while I receive a cpu hard lockup message. The machine eventually just reboots. I've tried other distros, other ways of writing the iso to the usb drive, making sure the system date/time was set properly, updating the bios, but they all ran into the same problem. The only thing that worked was to remove the dgpu. I've attached a screenshot of the screen shortly before it reboots. I'm going to try to install windows now :blobvomiting: to see if its an issue isolated to linux. Thanks in advance! I appreciate any help on the matter!
After going back and forth with framework support, it was a hardware problem with the dgpu. I've successfully booted up after installing the replacement dgpu module
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3 Replies
???OP5w ago
apparently my screenshot didn't attach so here it is...
No description
???OP5w ago
Update: Windows installed and booted successfully. After driver install, dgpu shows up in device manager but it indicates that "the device could not be started" which is making me thing I just got a bad module. I'm going to reach out to framework support on the matter.
???3w ago
After going back and forth with framework support, it was a hardware problem with the dgpu. I've successfully booted up after installing the replacement dgpu module

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