Change default editor
How can I change the default editor to vim?
I looked in:
* Documentation
* Silverblue FAQ/documentation
* This forum/thread
Many apologies if I've missed the documentation on this simple question.
3 Replies
in terminal
literally environment variable you can drop in .config/environment.d/whatever.conf
this is the same on all linux systemsSorry. I don' t have ~/.config/environment.d/ on my system. On other distros, I used update-alternatives or another distro-specific method. I found the 'alternatives' command on bazzite. However, this is the first distro I've used which didn't have a pre-configured editor entry, thus my question.
Do you know if there is a bazzite-specific way to set the editor system-wide to vim which persists across sessions/reboots? If not, perhaps someone else who does could answer.
environment variables persist.
you can probably use update-alternatives too