How do you enter steam gaming mode from the desktop image?
I've looked everywhere. If the answer to this is in the docs, it's very well hidden.
7 Replies
desktop image doesnt include gaming mode, you need the -deck image
desktop do have gamescope tho if thats what you need
I'm trying to get hdr but I'm using gnome. From the sounds of it even with gamescope i cant get hdr unless i reinstall to kde
you can rebase to -deck image if you dont mind booting to gamemode first
You could use Steam Big Picture Mode. Right click on steam and than select Big Picture Mode, it hink there is a option somewhere in steam to start right into Big Picture Mode
its not the same thing, youll miss most feature including hdr
That does not provide HDR
You need to wait for a gnome release that has HDR support or use a gamemode image
You do not have gamemode on your image