Error 1000. Problem opening a page
Hello. I have a vps server, on which nginx with html page, and also a domain which is bound to cloudflare. On the local machine connection to the site works and the page opens, but when entering from an external network through a browser for example on my domain I get Error 1000. Could you please help me?
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Cloudflare Docs
Troubleshooting Cloudflare 1XXX errors · Cloudflare Support docs
The errors described in this document might occur when visiting a website proxied by Cloudflare. For Cloudflare API or dashboard errors, review our Cloudflare API documentation. HTTP 409, 530, 403, and 429 errors are the HTTP error codes returned in the HTTP status header for a response. 1XXX errors appear in the HTML body of the response.
I don't use a cname, I only use A record for my domain and ip.