Whats my bodyshape (clothing related)
So I used an I think old fashioned way and measured myself at length from shoulder to shoulder and around the body at: waist hips and bust..and then i had A-Shape..but ehen looking in mirror you could clearly see that i have v shape bc of my bigger shoulders. Its confusing so what am i now..eben my stomach goes from the aides more in.
23 Replies
just look at the measurements clothing companies post of their garments online
don't worry about categorizing your body shape
Its not what i ment it for xd
don't worry about categorizing your body shape
I saw many videos that when buying you should buy certain things..like body fit for this shape or a more beautiful outfit shall be oversized for this shape
your body shape doesn't matter
those videos are stupid and wrong
buy clothes that look good
and fit
they're preying on people's insecurities to build themselves a following
you can use clothing to emphasize things or de-emphasize things but it should not be the guiding principle in how you dress
It ultimately doesn’t matter what category/label that your body shape is called, what matters is that you find clothes that you like that somewhat fit
This i mean
And its just a curiosity too..
You also posted about skin tone earlier. I'd be really cautious about where you're getting that type of information because it should not be a noticeable factor in how you dress.
I don’t think any of us subscribe to the idea of labeled body types when it comes to fashion
Your style is your own and it's not really informed by, like, biology.
Let alone pseudoscience.
my label would be upside down triangle
Jot directly..there are different methods to find your season type..ehich colors fit you the best
I think what makes you feel the best looks the best
I don't know what 'season type' is, but no. You can say which colours you're drawn to, and what you think looks best. But it's not math.
The thing is the colors i like is my season.
Then wear those colours! Ask us how you can maybe style them with other complementary colours, or find pieces in those colours based on how you want to dress.
Yeah i think the initial question just needs to be rephrased into a way that help can be more easily given
just try different cuts and wear what makes you feel the most confident, be your own judge