Layering - Topic of the day 1/31/25

An important part of the fashion language is layering. How do you prioritize your layering? Do you enjoy more or fewer layers?
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41 Replies
cornvlad2mo ago
i just put on clothes idk
Meaty,2mo ago
this image is giving ai prompt log cabin cowboy
deltic2mo ago
honestly i think this is the best way to approach layering
max2mo ago
Layering is great because you 1) just put that shit on 2) are putting more shit on rather than less shit and 3) it’s easy mode for making stuff interesting
deltic2mo ago
put on clothes until you feel like there’s enough
max2mo ago
Like hoodie and jeans are whatever, but throw a coat on and suddenly I don’t feel schlubby
Gatan do rock
Gatan do rock2mo ago
I live in an all-hot year round area and I have no idea what to layer with other than cuban shirts funnily enough if I go to a tourist area in a cuban shirt and sunglasses people start speaking english to me
Eldritch2mo ago
There's like, maybe 3 months of the year where I can layer without sweating through every layer of clothing I put on
Gatan do rock
Gatan do rock2mo ago
Eldritch2mo ago
Like you would think a t-shirt and a linen chore coat would be fine, but no. Sweat right through it
Gatan do rock
Gatan do rock2mo ago
I'm still a noob but when I was very very baby starting on fashion I always used a short button shirt with a tshirt underneath peak young adult fashion
eggtart!2mo ago
Layering is changing my life tbh just like actually being more intentional with how i can mix and match pieces just adds so much more depth and usage
sharloy2mo ago
I think there’s more to layering than putting stuff on Understanding hems, fabric weights, patterns, colors is all part of it, whether you think about it implicitly or explicitly Or even the choice not to layer!
Meaty,2mo ago
sharloy2mo ago
Lud I liked the layering you did today, made me want to try to dress well today instead of phoning it in bc it’s raining
Meaty,2mo ago
may your layers be cohesive in lentgth and weight and patterns and colors etc
sharloy2mo ago
Dw it’s not
lyon2mo ago
i love layers so much even if i don’t usually do more than just base-over
circleframes2mo ago
I get hot ://
lyon2mo ago
me too it’s why i keep my layers simple
deltic2mo ago
I mean yeah, I guess haha. I just associate that with just putting clothes on cause it feels like relatively simple choices
awz50822mo ago
Layering this winter has been fun after the last few were so warm that it wasn't really feasible
Steve2mo ago
I feel like layering is what can make a basic wardrobe interesting. Unless you really get into the weeds on fabric types or something, solid colors pants and a solid color top are just never going to be all that interesting. Throw 1-2 layers on top of other solids and suddenly it looks really interesting. Counterpoint to this is it is also one of the easiest ways to take clothes that should theoretically work with anything and find a way to fuck it up.
zeometer2mo ago
love layering - beyond the functional purpose and the ability to wear more clothes, i like all of the opportunities that come up, like what things are shown or hidden, how proportions are impacted, and how the same piece can take on different contexts solely via layerinv
valcrist772mo ago
I’ve found layering necklines to be really interesting and also really hard? The effects between different shirts under sweaters, crew necks under v necks, etc. that’s one thing I would like to work on more. I think I saw two trench coats layered upon each other on the runway, which was sick.
jibba2mo ago
One neckline I find really hard to layer are those sweaters with an extra big crewneck neckline. They’re often made for women and not meant to be worn with a regular shirt neckline underneath, I think, so I feel like it can end up looking odd.
zeometer2mo ago
the buttoning placard/general engineering of menswear usually isn't conducive to layering under U necks and i am unsettled at going bare chest under
zeometer2mo ago
i think they're better sleeveless as a nod to vintage knits but still, cool yet hard to wear
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deltic2mo ago
there’s absolutely nothing worse than totally shirtless under a jumper
zeometer2mo ago
just a sweater; shirtless under cardigan is actually kinda hot
Smiles2mo ago
its always a skill issue shirtless under a sweater can look good or bad
jibba2mo ago
I generally like the look of it for other people I will do anything to avoid needing to wash my sweaters more though lol
Smiles2mo ago
depends on the sweater but its def the biggest downside lol
deltic2mo ago
oh i’m just on about now they feel lmao i tend to just throw a vest underneath
jibba2mo ago
Was thinking of something like this above, with an offset neckline which I find to look kind of weird with a crewneck shirt underneath.
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Smiles2mo ago
i think it looks fine if its more cropped than the shirt
zeometer2mo ago
the one thing i struggle with is jewelry layering; skill issue but i need more variety in chain width/length and ring stacks
zeometer2mo ago
aesthetically soothing layering imo
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zeometer2mo ago
plus most fits from coltar, cirque, barto, both meats and heckle (super impressive because of the combination of layering and scale)
Gatan do rock
Gatan do rock2mo ago
Reminds me I had a very long necklace a child broke once and to mend it it got significantly shorter :hawyee:

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