derank an account
what could be the best way to derank an account?
9 Replies
What your current rank
With Rank reset you get 2-3 rank down
If you’re gold, you get bronze
please don't
If you intentionally try to derank you’ll get banned
But I didn’t get to that myself, my friend used to play on my account
And now when I’m back to play the game the rank is way too high, so I just didn’t
So I don’t ruin the experience for the people in comp
So do you want me to play in a rank that isn’t for me? lmao
I didn’t know that but thanks for pointing it out
Also I was planning to just normally play and I will probably demote but idk if that’s a good idea cause I just said I’ll be ruining the games for my team
U can't do anything about it
Account sharing is against riot's TOS
U went wrong when u shared ur account
Also, what if I didn’t play for so long
Like how many acts do I need to skip to get to silver/bronze if I was dia1
Your mmr doesn't degrade that much. So you'll still be playing in high lobbies.
Sadge, thank you anyways!
how do I close this thread btw